Into the World

Do you have a story to tell ? 
In a world where everyone can have a camera, my work as a photographer consist in creating unforgettable memories combining film and digital in a photo report style ! For me it's also important to focus on spontaneity and feeling rather than quantity, aren't you bored to have thousands picture on your computer and never use them ? Help me restoring the veritable value of what one picture should be ! With my documentary approach, whether it be wedding, archive photography, events or products, we will find the shoot which fits you, 
Remember, photos are the strongest memories, let's build something that lasts forever..

Would you like to bring beauty at home ? 
I'm always traveling so i don't have any online shop at the moment to not deal with too many orders but there are professionnal printers all around the world ! Let me know in details what you are looking for and i could send you the print signed with a little customization from my current country !
Thank you!
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